To the offer of Apimed belongs the sales of bee products and product of them. We work with beekeepers and companies dealing with the production of bee products from Slovakia and the Czech Republic, which guarantee the quality of their products. We sell healthy, natural and quality products. We want to bring the valuable what we have in nature. Bee products such as honey, propolis, royal jelly and pollen are appreciated mainly for their positive effects on human health.
The help by wound healing, sore breathing tract, heart, blood vessels, and stomach. They help in headache, nausea, stomach ulcer. Their antibacterial and antiseptic properties are well known. In addition, they support the immune system, supplies energy, help to sleep and help by stress.
Every year the bees collect pollen on blossoming trees and meadows to produce not only a delicacy but also a miraculous tool of natural cosmetics. Honey Cosmetics Bione series, which also can be found in our e-shop, include some real honey, propolis and royal jelly. The high content of powerful antioxidants and vitamin E protect the skin from aging and wrinkling effects caused by free oxygen radicals. Present panthenol and glycerin moisturize, royal jelly, honey and Q10 regenerates and nourishes the skin intensively. Treat skin with vitamins and shea butter which soften and nourish it perfectly.